Summer 2022 GCSE / A level / BTEC Exam Certificate Collection Day - Thursday 15 December

The exam boards have now released all certificates from the summer series, and we are giving all ex-students the opportunity to come into school on Thursday 15 December between 8.30am and 3.30pm to collect them from the School Reception. These are important documents and future employers / educational establishments are likely to ask to see them.Students will need to collect the certificates in person, however, if this is not possible, they may nominate someone to collect them on their behalf (parent, other family member, friend etc). Students themselves will need to email the Exams Office at to confirm the details of the person that they have nominated. Certificates will not be able to be released to anyone, other than the student without this information. It is also important that the student, or the person collecting them on their behalf, brings some form of ID.
If you are unable to collect your certificates on this day, then please email the Exams Office so that we can arrange collection at a more convenient time.