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The Buckingham School

The Buckingham School

Student First Team

Student First Team 

The Student First Team have a wealth of experience between them. The Team work together to promote and develop all aspects of students welfare. Students come first – hence then name and students are at the forefront of all the decisions made by the Team.

The Team provide support and guidance, not only to students but to parents and carers too. The Student First Team work closely with form tutors, Heads of Year, and other key members of staff who support our students. The Team will also liaise with external organisations where needed in order to offer further support and guidance. This can include organisations such as the School Nursing Team, Womens Aid, School Police Liaison Officer, Youth Workers and Social Care, Young Carers, to name a few. The main focus is that our students are given the opportunity to realise and reach their full potential

The Student First Team are located in the Student Hub area of the school, and students can drop in to see them during breaktime and lunchtimes to speak to any one of them. From this, specific appointments may be offered to explore further what issues the students may be experiencing.

Meet the team...

Emma Curtis - Assistant Headteacher, Behaviour & Attitudes 

Mrs Curtis manages behaviour and inclusion across the whole School. She is responsible for the day-to-day interventions of students who may be struggling for a variety of reasons. Mrs Curtis is also a specialist in Protective Behaviours and teaches other staff to utilise these skills to enable them to support the behaviour of students. She is also a Designated Safeguarding Lead

Joanne Goodger - Director of Safeguarding and Welfare

Mrs Goodger supports students and families who may be experiencing a variety of difficulties. She has close links with Primary Feeder Schools and external agencies, including the Specialist School Nursing Team, Young Carers and Drug Services. Mrs Goodger is The Buckingham School’s main lead for Child Protection and Safeguarding matters. She is also Assistant Head of Year 7.

Julie Branch - Special Educational Needs Manager 

Ms Branch is responsible for the planning and implementation of SEND provision across the School and she ensures that appropriate intervention and support is in place for identified students. She has close links with Primary Feeder Schools and external agencies. Ms Branch has been at The Buckingham School for over 25 years and many of our parents remember her from when they were here as students themselves!

Philippa Lockhart - Assistant Headteacher, Director of SEN

Ms Lockhart as SENCo is responsible for the SEN provision at The Buckingham School and has close links with Primary Feeder Schools and external agencies.

Paula Matthews - Therapeutic Mentor 

Miss Matthews supports, guides and gives advice to students on all aspects of therapeutic support and emotional and mental well-being. She also runs groups on: managing anxiety, managing strong feelings, working on self-esteem and confidence. Miss Matthews is Designated Safeguarding Lead.

Abi Wallace - Anti-Bullying Co-ordinator 

Mrs Wallace is responsible for overseeing reported cases of bullying and social aggression. Mrs Wallace also runs Student Voice, where students are encouraged to take on roles and responsibilities within School and act as a voice for our students to affect change and suggest ideas to further improve our School. Mrs Wallace is also Assistant Head of Year 9 and a Designated Safeguarding Lead.

Rachel McFarlane - Pupil Premium Champion 

Mrs McFarlane is our Pupil Premium Champion and supports students and families who may be experiencing a variety of difficulties. Mrs McFarlane provides support to students both on a 1:1 basis and in lessons, where they may be finding aspects of the curriculum challenging or need pastoral support to get them through their day. She has worked in both primary and secondary schools prior to joining The Buckingham School.

The Student First Team is an ever evolving team who welcome suggestions from all our students, parents, carers and members of the community in supporting our students to realise their full potential and to be offered opportunities to be able to do this.

Student First Team

To contact the Student First Team, please click on the button shown. The email will be monitored by key staff and students or adults will receive responses from an appropriate person.

Safeguarding Email Address

For safeguarding concerns, please click on the button shown here.  The email will be monitored by key staff and students or adults will receive responses from an appropriate person.