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The Buckingham School

The Buckingham School

Postponed Parent Forum: New Date is Tuesday 1 April 2025

The Parent Forum arranged for Tuesday 11 March has now been postponed and will take place on Tuesday 1 April 2025. 

We are pleased to invite you to attend our upcoming Parent Forum on Tuesday 11 March (Tuesday 1 April).

We warmly welcome all parents and carers to attend. Our Parent Forum meets every half-term and serves as a platform where parents and carers can voice their opinions, share ideas and contribute to the decision-making processes that impact our school community. The Forum will address important issues within the school, such as behaviour, procedures and policies - your input really matters and can influence what happens within the school.

The Agenda for the evening is as follows:

  • 5.50pm Arrive and refreshments
  • 6.00pm Welcome and Update – Mr A McGinnes, Headteacher
  • 6.10pm Discussion Item 1 - Feedback from previous Forums (short presentation)
  • 6.35pm Discussion Item 2 - Communication about academic progress (presentation and discussion)
  • 7.00pm Discussion Item 3 - The School's Vision (presentation and discussion)
  • 7.25pm AOB to include an opportunity for Parents to suggest future Discussion Topics
  • 7.30pm Parent Forum closes

Future Parent Forum Date: Tuesday, 20 May 2025.

Friends of Buckingham School (FOBS) Meeting:

  • 7.30pm FOBS meeting
  • 8.00pm FOBS meeting closes

The Friends of Buckingham (FOBS) will be present to provide refreshments and will hold their regular meeting immediately following the Parent Forum. FOBS play a crucial role in focused fundraising efforts and initiatives that benefit the school. This event presents a fantastic opportunity for parents to connect with the Friends and contribute to their vital work.

If you would like to attend our upcoming Parent Forum, simply complete the google form, shown here:

Thank you for your continued support to our school community and I hope to see you on Tuesday 11 March.