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The Buckingham School

The Buckingham School

Working Together Document

Working Together - September 2023

The intention of the Working Together document is to help all stakeholders, including families, to understand what the School is committed to doing in the coming year, what we expect from our students and families and what both students and families expect from us.  

Click on the link below to read:

Working Together - September 2023 Document

Working Together - update as at June 2024

Click on the link shown below to read

Working Together - Update as at June 2024

As the document says, it is not a prospectus or brochure, it is an update on the school’s two stated priorities for this year.

In June (Term 6), we are moving forward some of our practices yet further. Key headlines, building on this year’s progress:

  • After school detention for being removed from a lesson
  • Red lines in lessons – “behaviours we just will not accept”
  • Clarification around uniform – trousers worn to the waist, with no garments underneath

We are in awe of the progress your children have made this year. We are so ambitious for their success. Fulfilling our basic Core Expectations is just the start, as we continue to develop our skills as teachers and support staff.